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How To


Searches can be performed via the widgets on the home page or through the search panel. The search panel provides access to filters and faceting options to narrow your search criteria.

Keywords filters: All (will collectively search all the words entered across all the titles and the metadata), Any (will search across any of the words entered), Exact (will search for exactly what is entered into the search window).


Match filters: Partial Hits (will return results for all or some of the word searched for e.g. a search for "me" would return results for "me" and any other word containing "me" such as "game") or Whole Words (will only return results where the word searched for is a whole word e.g. a search for "me" would only return results for "me").

Search In filters: Titles Only (will search across the title of items only), All Data (will search across all associated metadata - titles, record information and OCR), Metadata Only (ignores OCR but searches the rest of the metadata - titles and record information)

Date is where you can search by a specific year or date range. To search by a specific year, select that year from both dropdowns: 

Order Results By is where you can control the order of the search results. The options are available through the dropdown: Relevance (this is the site default and returns the most relevant results of the search first), Most Recent (orders the search results by most to least recent), Title (orders the search results alphabetically), Title Descending (orders the search results in reverse alphabetical order).

Search panel accessible from the left-hand navigation bar by clicking "Search" 

My search history will show you your search history for that browser session only (it clears once the browser is closed, but any saved items can be added to your collection if you are logged in and click the star icon on any item that you want to save).

Refine these results allows you to refine the search results by the item type (a.k.a. format) e.g. to only show image item types in the search results click "Image" and a green tick will appear. To clear this filter hover over the tick and it will become a cross - click this cross. 

To begin a new search or clear your last search press the Reset button.


Viewing Content



Browse through your search results using the top arrow.



Full size thumbnail of item

Fit image of item to screen

Fit image of item to width

Fit image of item to height

Rotate item

Zoom to 100% (allow loading time)


Use magnifying glass to select zoom level




View any associated text, OCR or transcription fields

Show keyword hits (when item is OCR’d)

Highlight keywords (when item is OCR’d)

Download item

Add to your collection (saves to your login)

Contact us about this





Contributing Content

 Select the Contribute button on the navigation panel.
 The following screen will appear, select the item type you want to upload from the blue buttons. Below this will be your contribution history and status.



The screen below to the left will appear when uploading an image. Type your item title where indicated, choosing your files to upload selecting the grey button.
Confirm the copyright status of your items below.
Click the Tell us a few extra details if you have more information to add and the screen to the right will appear.
Fill in the fields that you can, and leave the others blank.
You can save your progress if you want to come back and add more data or files.
Finish by selecting the blue Submit & finish button.